
Thursday, March 31, 2016




Who knew when we bought our daughter her first puppy in the 1970s I would fall love with Scotties for the rest of my life?

Yesterday I finished a little scottie quilt that I started in the 1990s.  At that time it had a black/red checkerboard border (very scottie, right?) and while it was cute enough it just wasn't fun.... so into the UFO pile it went.  It may have been my first UFO ever!
Fast forward to 2009 and I had the scottie top machine quilted.  I didn't like the design I chose so I picked out every stitch of the quilting and also removed the border and back into the UFO pile it went.  In late 2015 I found a happy print for a new border and back to the quilter it went....this time I was thrilled with the results.  A few hours of embellishing fun later and this was the result.  The girls have tutus, bows and some bling.  It's a funky little quilt for sure, but it evokes ever so many wonderful memories for us. 


Thank you Brandy (17 yrs), Chloe (11 yrs), Molly (14 years) and Bogey (2 yrs) for sharing your lives with us and allowing me to be your Mom.  Dottie and Olive are 8 and 6 and are doing their best to honor their ancestors.  The quilt will hang in the room where they sleep.

Warm regards, Barb



Monday, March 28, 2016


At long last the Orange Peel quilt I started for my mother-in-law is finished, scalloped border and all.

I started this quilt over a year ago but found the applique technique fiddly, so back into the UFO pile it went.  The fabric line is Bluebell (discontinued).  There are so many other gorgeous blue/white fabric lines available right now that if you want to make a blue/white quilt it would be hard to decide what to use.

My talented friend Reggie quilted this for me and did a great job.  I like the way the scalloped border echoes the rounded movement of the quilt center. 
Next I will embellish a small quilt I made last summer.  If I keep working I should catch up with myself by mid Summer!!
Wishing you happy quilting!


Sunday, March 27, 2016



Every year on Good Friday members of many of the local churches stand along Highway 63, which runs through our town and far beyond, holding large white crosses and wave at passersby to remind them of Christ's ultimate sacrifice for each of us.  This year there were more participating than ever before.  It was a touching reminder of the true meaning of Easter.  Our downtown area was alive today with balloons that said, "Jesus Is Alive!"

Our day will be slow and quietly reflective.  All is well with our souls and our family.  I wish the same for you and yours.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Anyone who knows me knows about my passion for Scottish Terriers.  I've loved and lived with them for about 45 years.  Dottie and Olive (below) are our 4th and 5th. The scottie above is from Pinterest and could be a twin to our Dottie.

Scotties are so loyal, funloving and mischevious that you can't help but love them.  They can also be stubborn as a mule, their least desirable trait.  Dottie is on the right (8 yrs) and Olive (6 yrs) is on the left.  Olive is small for the breed. 
A few years ago I made a small, humbly pieced scottie quilt top and set it aside for almost 15 years.  In 2009 I had it machine quilted.  I didn't  like the quilting pattern I chose so I removed all the quilting, took off the borders and put the little top back in a stack of UFOs for a few more years. 
Toward the end of 2015 I added a happy new border and  had it quilted again.  I have decided I will embellish the quilt with beads, buttons, bows and a little sparkle.  Here is a picture before embellishing ~~~

I will post pictures once the quilt is fancied up.  The original border was a traditional black and red checkerboard.  My Girls have never fit into a traditional mold and this bright red and aqua fabric almost jumped into my hands because it's so much like them.

I hope you have a furbaby to love and to love you back.  The few times I've been unable to have a dog were lonely for me.  Our home feels so empty without a dog.

Wishing you a day filled with peace and plenty....and puppy kisses if that makes you happy.......Barb 


Thursday, March 17, 2016


 Wishing everyone a Happy St Patrick's Day with all the trimmings.  I'm Irish through and through so in our home St Pat's day was always celebrated with the traditional Irish meal of corned beef and cabbage and soda bread.  Now that it's just Jeff and myself, we will be eating our dinner at the local catholic church, where they serve an amazing meal.  Do you have any special items you prepare for St Pat's Day?
Progress is being made on the modern quilt I've been working on.  It will be ready to take to Reggie for quilting tomorrow.  She is such a busy long-arm quilter that I like to get my quilts in her rotation. 
I'm off to the sewing machine for a few minutes. 
Have a blessed day everyone......

Monday, March 14, 2016


I have been away for some time due to family and health issues.  I hope to be able resume posting at least on a semi-regular basis now.  Dottie & Olive (our Scotties) are doing great.

The blue and white Orange Peel quilt for my mother-in-law is being quilted and should be in her hands in another month.  I may put a scalloped binding on it, which takes me much more time than a regular straight binding.

I'm currently working on a modern quilt with geometric shapes.  It is taking bit longer than I thought to put together because there is sashing between each block.  Here's a peek:

 It is very much a work in progress.  I love the fabric, Glimma, by Windham.

Spring is bursting forth in our area.  Daffodils and forsythias are in all their glory now and most of our trees are leafing out. 
The weather is damp and cool but so lovely.  I love to see the calves frolicking in the pastures.

Wishing you all a blessed day.....