
Saturday, January 18, 2014


I had a surgical root canal done yesterday in Springfield (2 1/2 hours from home).  We drove to the city in blowing snow, but once there the snow stopped and it was bitter cold and very windy.

All went well with my tooth and I was out of the office in about an hour with a fist full of prescriptions and care orders.  I had Jeff stop me at one of the local quilt shops but I was too groggy to shop.  When the clerk told me the Vin du Jour fabric I was shopping for had been discontinued 2-3 years back I knew I was in the wrong place.  They had the Vin du Jour pre-cuts on their shelves next to the register.  I called this to her attention, but she seemed totally disinterested in making a sale. 

We are going to have a slow weekend.  Our temperature is bitter cold and it looks like we may get some more snow.  I may put together a pot of soup or chili.  I actually enjoy Saturday TV cooking shows and an occasional sewing program.  I'm going to find a big quilt and wrap up and hibernate until Monday.

Take care everyone and have a safe weekend.

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